  • Services

Office equipment and electronics recycling

The electronics recycling process is carried out in accordance with the European Union WEEE directive.

We buy or accept most of the electronics for free.

Disposal of some hazardous waste - on a paid basis (client pays).

The prices and conditions for accepting office equipment scrap can be found in the table.


Disposal of office equipment is carried out on our site and on the client's site.

In the first case, the client hands over office equipment waste at a price tag and receives an acceptance certificate.

In the second case, all equipment is accepted free of charge and paid services are added:

- transport with loading (if the equipment is outside and available for transportation);

- the service of moving equipment from different floors of the building to the place of loading.


The recycling procedure for professional equipment is similar
to office equipment recycling, but has a number of additional conditions:

- the customer of the service must report the presence of a radioactive source in the equipment (if any);

- medical and laboratory equipment should not contain residues of analyzes, chemical reagents and other materials that pose a risk of infection, burns or poisoning.

List of professional equipment

- Telecommunication equipment,

- GSM equipment,

- Bank servers and equipment,

- Data centers equipment,

- Medical and laboratory equipment,

- Military equipment,

- Equipment from ships,

- Equipment from power plants,

- Various benches and production machines,

- Working tools, etc.

Get a personal offer for the office equipment recycling service. This service is provided only in Estonia.

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